Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Yo' hipster chains!

The FEMA Composite Teams On Their Way Into Iowa!

So this is the first update in a while, sorry. Anyway, we have had break and it was good for everyone; getting to travel to their hometowns and see their families and friends. Once we were back from break it had sadly been decided that our sponsor in New York ended up not having sufficient housing for us. So Eagle 5 got round 3 off and we are flying to New Zealand! Just kidding. Those of us who aren't in Summer of Service, and who aren't Eric; because he is our new STL, have been joined by corps members from other teams and have now been called to Des Moines, Iowa for disaster flood relief.
Before I get into the juicy details of our newly acquired project, let me introduce you to the proud members of the Des Moines, Iowa disaster team; some of us you already know, so I will skip to those whom you don't. We have Melanie Houser from Raven 7, Tisha Cooper-Raven 5, Adam Markley-Raven 4, Taylor Leigh-Eagle 1, and Kelsey Walter-Wolf 3. Together we are in business! Now, the work-a-holics favorite part; what we are doing here.
We are working with the Seventh Day Adventist Community Services group in a multi-agency warehouse, where we collect donations and recieve shipments that we organize in the warehouse. It's pretty cool, we have had training on how to opporate a forklift and run a warehouse.
Sorting donations at the warehouse.

Last Saturday, July 13th, our team gathered with members of FEMA and Red Cross to "muck" a house in Cedar Rapids that was badly affected by the flooding. It was a good, hard working day and really helped us to see exactly what we are working for. Being able to get right down in the basement full of mud and being able to see the damage that had happened, and all the devastation people are still facing was in the least of words, eye opening.
So now we are diligently and desperately seeking phone numbers to contact organizations to provide us donations for us to distribute among the disaster teams in the area.
That's the update today folks!

Rhea and James working hard
mucking out a house

A train bridge in Cedar Rapids that
got destroyed during the floods.

Kelsey and Taylor working hard trying
to get donations for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the update seth! i miss you guys, i'll have an update on sos shortly:)