Thursday, April 24, 2008

Goodbye Bmore...

Week 6, last week of project #1: Police helicopters circled overhead Tuesday of our last week in Southwest Baltimore. We were used to seeing one everyday, patrolling the community and the endless drug deals done right outside our gate; but when the number of 'copters flying directly above us increased to two, then three, then four...we knew something else was up. But we persisted in our efforts to finish as much of the roof as we could during our last few days on the project, finding out later that a cop had been shot a half-mile away from our work-site. If anything, the incident fueled our fire to finish the roof--and by the end of the week, we did.

***To celebrate the successful end of our first round project, team Eagle Five and the Academy partnered on a Community Clean-up Day Saturday April 18th. With the help of fellow NCCC teams and staff, and family and friends of AOS, we made the neighborhood around our work-site and Gywnns Falls Trail a cleaner, brighter place. After a full morning of trash removal and face-painting, the Academy provided lunch, good memories, and a few Baltimore T-shirts, to honor AmeriCorps' impact. But it was a bittersweet event as we enjoyed the company of our Academy friends for the last time.

Transition Update: The team is currently at Perry Point preparing to leave for the Sunshine State early Saturday morning. We will stop to sleep in *South* Carolina Saturday afternoon, then arrive in sunny Sebring, Florida on Sunday night. Wish us luck on our first official SPIKE!

and vote on the new poll to your right...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

assorted therapies for a sorted team

Week 5: changing weather, changing attitudes, changing clothes...

Scream Therapy: The moist, misty weather Monday and Tuesday made for sporadic roofing; we were called up and down the ladder throughout each day, waiting for the clouds to cease and the sun to shine (it didn't, until Thursday). But to deal with the Seasonal Affective Disorder these gloomy days bring, the team did some post-lunch stress relief in the van with "Sarah's scream therapy" (no explanation needed). And the team enjoyed the indoor task of moving shelves upon shelves of paint pigment cans (left from the factory's heyday) into another room to be opened and dried out (which we did in fun assembly-line fashion, throwing cans from each teammate to the next). 
Scent Therapy: Due to EPA standards the full paint cans couldn't be thrown away, so lucky members of Eagle Five got to take out their frustrations on hundreds of cans by punching holes in the tops with a crowbar. Dust masks were in vogue that day to avoid inhaling the many toxic fumes.
Art Therapy: Wednesday was another misty day but the April weather didn't hold April (me!) back from getting her three birthday wishes: 1) start the day with a nutritious Dunkin Donuts breakfast, 2) get to throw paint against a wall, and 3) find out what Eagle Five's next project is. Like the big blue beautiful genie she is, Sarah granted each wish making for a very colorful day. In fact, there's now a wall in the factory that Jackson Pollock himself couldn't hold a candle to (both figuratively and literally...the paint is very flammable). 

Later, with our bellies full of cake, we found out that our next project is.........drum-roll please........building houses for Highlands County Habitat for Humanity in Sebring, Florida!!! (*more details later)
Physical Therapy: We slept tight that night finally knowing where we'd be in two weeks, but still woke up in time for a 5 am jog the next morning. Thursday turned out to be good practice for working in the sunny southern climate: for the first time since the project began, we were forced by our sweat glands to strip down to the bare minimum, ditching our hoodies and paint-splattered coveralls for the cool comfort of our AmeriTees. 
Music Therapy: Some of us did get burned, but we weren't burnt out thanks to the amazing home-cooked meal served to us at lunch-time (good job Baywatch), and to the radio keeping us rocking on the roof (I don't know why it took us so long to get one up there). With the beats to keep us going, we made amazing progress gluing down rubber on the roof and have only one section left to complete.
Heat therapy: Friday morning the team left campus early to drive down to DC and participate in the Habitat for Humanity Congressional staff build. The sun was hot and smiles bright as the team got to see first hand what our next project would be like by helping with various tasks on mid-construction Habitat homes. We were also fortunate to share stories and experiences with members of other AmeriCorps programs and representatives of the Corporation for National and Community Service.
Service Therapy: Of all the things that keep us sane and moving on this project, the biggest motivation is knowing that once the roof is complete, the Academy will be able to move forward with their goal of bringing community empowerment to Southwest Baltimore City--a place that really needs the help. Without a safe and water-tight roof, they could not get the support, manpower, and funding to finish renovating the rest of the building--and we would not be able to see the amazing impact the center will undoubtedly have once opened. 

Sunday, April 6, 2008

high heels and glue fumes

Week 4:
new month, new roof
AT LAST! ...We have started the rubber-roofing installation and the factory-turned-community center is soon to be leak-free! But since we worked soooooo hard last week in anticipation, the team was given Monday and Tuesday off to rest up for the big event. But like the hard-working Eagles we are, we spent Monday planting trees (hundreds!) in a Delaware state park. It was great to be working outdoors, in the grass, surrounded by fresh (albeit cloudy) air for once...and even greater to come home to the news that we'd have two Corps Members joining us for the remainder of the project. Welcome Melanie and Margot!
April 1st we celebrated Amiee's 21st birthday (Cheers!) and April 2nd we were happy to begin the new roofing process, which--much to our noses' chagrin--involves spreading 5-gallon buckets of stinky rubber cement. We may have gotten a little loopy from sniffin' glue ("do you smell cinnamon buns?"), but we got a lot done and felt a great sense of accomplishment and pride seeing the roof finally coming together as planned. (And the looks on our sponsors' faces when they saw the progress will keep us motivated for a long time...)
On Friday, though, our beloved site supervisor started the morning with the bad news that the early April showers had taken the best of our roof-work, it was leaking badly and needed to be re-done...
Fortunately for us he was just passing the buck on an April Fools joke he'd already fell for. Ha. Ha. Ha.
But just like April ("the cruelest month" as T.S. Eliot put it), moist weather prevented us from roofing further on Friday so we spent most of the day sweeping the grounds and making metal sculptures to pass the time. After lunch, the team sat down for a roundtable with our sponsor Ben, and our Unit Leader Mike, to discuss the project and share highlights and challenges we've faced. Though we may have all had different answers, one thing we can agree on is how we will all miss the people we've been fortunate to spend this six-weeks with.
Check out Eagle Five's newly adopted theme song: "We Care A LOT" by Faith No More

And now for something completely different...
Friday and Saturday night of Week 4 members of Eagle Five volunteered at "Divapalooza", an annual Drag Show benefitting Baltimore non-profit Moveable Feast. After helping in the parking lot or at the ticket table, the team was invited up to the balcony to watch the hilariously subversive show for free. In just two days with less than 200 guests each night, Divapalooza raised over $60,000 for Moveable Feast!
"Moveable Feast is a 501(c) (3) charitable nutritional support organization that prepares and delivers meals and groceries at no charge to people and their families throughout greater Baltimore and Maryland's Eastern Shore who are in need and living with HIV/AIDS and other life-challenging conditions. "
Eagle Five has previously helped the organization make meals and move their offices...but I must say, this opportunity was the most fabulous of them all:)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"more dates than a prom queen"

Indeed, this was a popular week for Eagle 5 as we had multiple dinner dates, multiple teams follow us to Baltimore, and multiple requests for long walks on the Susquehanna river shore*...(*unfortunately we were too busy team-building over Dungeons & Dragons characters and dessert crepes to fulfill the latter)

Week 3 Recap!
Tuesday the team returned to Baltimore after a rejuvenating 4-day break for more roof-patching and an after-work dinner at our favorite NCCC staff member's home in Baltimore neighborhood Locust Point. Chad gave us not only delicious vegetarian tacos, but also a bite of knowledge on the history of our beloved Bmore, including the rhyme and reason behind the city's characteristic row-homes...and the rooftop view from his own>.

We worked through Friday and Saturday in anticipation of our mysterious roofing expert's arrival and direction, but were disappointed when due to weather and lack of materials (we'll get you UPS!) we had to postpone the roofing installation to the following week...luckily, we had some demolition in store to relieve our stress and frustration. Our steel-toed boots took a sheet-rock beating when we were granted the privilege of knocking down walls at the Academy's old office space (where, might I add, there is the largest collection of National Geographic magazines I have ever seen). It was a long week of long hours, but we got to spend it doing more of a variety of things than in the first 2 weeks, and we got to spend it with more people...including our long-lost teammate Joel Harmon (pictured). Joel was away fighting fires with the NCCC wildland firefighting team (and yes, he got to use a flame thrower). Welcome back Joel!

We made a lot of progress this week with the help of team Raven 4 Tuesday and Wednesday, and team Wolf 5 on Saturday. Both teams enjoyed the change of pace from their education projects and got quite a workout moving truckloads of donated (and bulky!) office furniture, kicking down sheet-rock walls, and helping make final touches on the roof (though I think they enjoyed our fabulous lunches, provided daily by the Academy, most of all...thank you ladies!) Thank you Ravens and Wolves!

...And speaking of fabulous meals, Eagle 5 would like to send a special thank you to team member Eric Hove's generous parents for treating us all to a wonderful dinner at The Bayou Thursday night. We truly appreciate it!

Week 3 team highlights:
getting trapped between two freight trains, dumpster-diving, lunch-time gospel serenades, "Girl Talk", Andrew and Pauly, breaking things, breaking stereotypes, breaking hearts...

Ciao, AY of E5