Sunday, April 6, 2008

high heels and glue fumes

Week 4:
new month, new roof
AT LAST! ...We have started the rubber-roofing installation and the factory-turned-community center is soon to be leak-free! But since we worked soooooo hard last week in anticipation, the team was given Monday and Tuesday off to rest up for the big event. But like the hard-working Eagles we are, we spent Monday planting trees (hundreds!) in a Delaware state park. It was great to be working outdoors, in the grass, surrounded by fresh (albeit cloudy) air for once...and even greater to come home to the news that we'd have two Corps Members joining us for the remainder of the project. Welcome Melanie and Margot!
April 1st we celebrated Amiee's 21st birthday (Cheers!) and April 2nd we were happy to begin the new roofing process, which--much to our noses' chagrin--involves spreading 5-gallon buckets of stinky rubber cement. We may have gotten a little loopy from sniffin' glue ("do you smell cinnamon buns?"), but we got a lot done and felt a great sense of accomplishment and pride seeing the roof finally coming together as planned. (And the looks on our sponsors' faces when they saw the progress will keep us motivated for a long time...)
On Friday, though, our beloved site supervisor started the morning with the bad news that the early April showers had taken the best of our roof-work, it was leaking badly and needed to be re-done...
Fortunately for us he was just passing the buck on an April Fools joke he'd already fell for. Ha. Ha. Ha.
But just like April ("the cruelest month" as T.S. Eliot put it), moist weather prevented us from roofing further on Friday so we spent most of the day sweeping the grounds and making metal sculptures to pass the time. After lunch, the team sat down for a roundtable with our sponsor Ben, and our Unit Leader Mike, to discuss the project and share highlights and challenges we've faced. Though we may have all had different answers, one thing we can agree on is how we will all miss the people we've been fortunate to spend this six-weeks with.
Check out Eagle Five's newly adopted theme song: "We Care A LOT" by Faith No More

And now for something completely different...
Friday and Saturday night of Week 4 members of Eagle Five volunteered at "Divapalooza", an annual Drag Show benefitting Baltimore non-profit Moveable Feast. After helping in the parking lot or at the ticket table, the team was invited up to the balcony to watch the hilariously subversive show for free. In just two days with less than 200 guests each night, Divapalooza raised over $60,000 for Moveable Feast!
"Moveable Feast is a 501(c) (3) charitable nutritional support organization that prepares and delivers meals and groceries at no charge to people and their families throughout greater Baltimore and Maryland's Eastern Shore who are in need and living with HIV/AIDS and other life-challenging conditions. "
Eagle Five has previously helped the organization make meals and move their offices...but I must say, this opportunity was the most fabulous of them all:)

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