Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"more dates than a prom queen"

Indeed, this was a popular week for Eagle 5 as we had multiple dinner dates, multiple teams follow us to Baltimore, and multiple requests for long walks on the Susquehanna river shore*...(*unfortunately we were too busy team-building over Dungeons & Dragons characters and dessert crepes to fulfill the latter)

Week 3 Recap!
Tuesday the team returned to Baltimore after a rejuvenating 4-day break for more roof-patching and an after-work dinner at our favorite NCCC staff member's home in Baltimore neighborhood Locust Point. Chad gave us not only delicious vegetarian tacos, but also a bite of knowledge on the history of our beloved Bmore, including the rhyme and reason behind the city's characteristic row-homes...and the rooftop view from his own>.

We worked through Friday and Saturday in anticipation of our mysterious roofing expert's arrival and direction, but were disappointed when due to weather and lack of materials (we'll get you UPS!) we had to postpone the roofing installation to the following week...luckily, we had some demolition in store to relieve our stress and frustration. Our steel-toed boots took a sheet-rock beating when we were granted the privilege of knocking down walls at the Academy's old office space (where, might I add, there is the largest collection of National Geographic magazines I have ever seen). It was a long week of long hours, but we got to spend it doing more of a variety of things than in the first 2 weeks, and we got to spend it with more people...including our long-lost teammate Joel Harmon (pictured). Joel was away fighting fires with the NCCC wildland firefighting team (and yes, he got to use a flame thrower). Welcome back Joel!

We made a lot of progress this week with the help of team Raven 4 Tuesday and Wednesday, and team Wolf 5 on Saturday. Both teams enjoyed the change of pace from their education projects and got quite a workout moving truckloads of donated (and bulky!) office furniture, kicking down sheet-rock walls, and helping make final touches on the roof (though I think they enjoyed our fabulous lunches, provided daily by the Academy, most of all...thank you ladies!) Thank you Ravens and Wolves!

...And speaking of fabulous meals, Eagle 5 would like to send a special thank you to team member Eric Hove's generous parents for treating us all to a wonderful dinner at The Bayou Thursday night. We truly appreciate it!

Week 3 team highlights:
getting trapped between two freight trains, dumpster-diving, lunch-time gospel serenades, "Girl Talk", Andrew and Pauly, breaking things, breaking stereotypes, breaking hearts...

Ciao, AY of E5

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