Friday, June 27, 2008

A new game.

Greetings dear blog audience! I am Seth Pierce, the other media rep. of Eagle 5, I will be taking over the blog during our 3rd round as April will not be with us. April and two of our other girls from Eagle 5, Aimee and Tracey, will all be spending their 3rd round working for Summer of Service in New Orleans; where they will be leading groups of young teens to give them an AmeriCorps-esque experience.
Speaking of members temporarily detached from the team; Joel Harmon and Anthony Hopkins are currently in Iowa help ing FEMA and Red Cross with the flooding there. Joel should be joining the team in New York come 3rd round, however Anthony may be staying longer since he was deployed about a week after Joel. We wish them all good luck and great health and know that they will do a wonderful job helping all who need it. Eagle 5 is proud of our members reaching out, and stepping up to help in any way they can.
Now as the Mid-Year Training comes to a close and people pack once again, and say goodbyes; at 5:00pm/EST we will all officially be on summer break until midnight of July the 6th.
We hope all is well with you, our beloved blog followers, and wish you a beautiful summer season.
Peace and love.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating and wish all of you good fun during your break. Waiting to hear how New York goes! Ann

Anonymous said...

keep save u guys, i finished my hours on tuesdays,thanks again for everything and the food too,